Reveal Your Competitors’ and Prospects’ Web Traffic Data

See where their traffic comes from and how engaged their users are

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Evaluate Performance of Competitive Sites

  • Traffic Volume

    Evaluate the traffic volume of your competitors or potential partners

  • Traffic Sources

    Find out where your rivals get their visitors from by unveiling their traffic sources: direct, search, referral, social, and paid

  • Desktop vs Mobile Traffic

    Discover desktop mobile traffic split and compare visitors’ engagement by device type

  • Geo Distribution

    Identify how the company performs in different regions

  • Subdomains

    Find out the most traffic-acquiring subdomains of analyzed sites

  • Top Landing Pages

    Reveal the most popular landing pages of your competitors, their traffic distribution and growth

Discover New Business Opportunities

  • Benchmarking

    Compare websites’ performance against each other

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    Identify strong and weak points of an analyzed site

  • Potential Partners Evaluation

    Does a million visits count if the bounce rate is 99%? Go deeper than just seeing the number of visitors: analyze the time on page, pages per visit and other vital metrics

  • Media Buying

    Evaluate the web traffic and audience engagement metrics before signing the contract

  • Trend Evaluation

    Reveal pages your competitors bet on and promote the most to capture trends across the industry and stay on top of the competition

    Identify the most popular pages among competitors’ customers and evaluate the shift in demand with the breakdown by months

Understand Users’ Behavior

  • Engagement Metrics

    Identify domains’ user behavior: visits, unique visitors, pages/visit, avg visit duration, bounce rate

  • Referring Sites

    Discover websites bringing traffic to the domain

  • Destination Sites

    Observe where users go after visiting the domain

  • Trend Monitoring

    Monitor the trend on how user behavior changes over time

Ground Your Research on Reliable Data

Over 200,000,000,000,000 bytes of raw data to base insights on

Billions of page views processed every day with advanced Machine Learning algorithms

Join 4,000,000 of Marketers Worldwide

There is no end to the amount of data you can get from SEMrush. The research part is incomparable, we can learn instantly about customers’ competitors, backlinks and content. We have an exclusive database too, which gives us that competitive advantage.

Shlomi Meshulam, CEO and founder, Adactive

The most important thing I can have really is data. Data is my currency. I need to support initiatives, business cases - any tools that give me the insight I find incredibly useful. Then when it comes to measuring these initiatives the reporting comes in handy. SEMrush is a very solid package that delivers exactly that.

Nick Wilsdon, Product Owner, Search Vodafone Group

We can’t imagine our online promotion without SEMrush. When we approach a new customer, the first thing we look at is their brand visibility, and with the help of SEMrush we do our best to boost it.

Emanuele Arosio, Head of SEO Triboo Digitale Group

Whenever someone signs up for the affiliate program we can use the tool to have an understanding of their traffic mix. Are they strong at SEO, how much traffic do they have, are they buying that traffic, what is their potential to actually generate transactions.

Leonardo Saroni, Senior Product Owner

Join 4,000,000 of Marketers Worldwide

There is no end to the amount of data you can get from SEMrush. The research part is incomparable, we can learn instantly about customers’ competitors, backlinks and content. We have an exclusive database too, which gives us that competitive advantage.

Shlomi Meshulam, CEO and founder, Adactive

The most important thing I can have really is data. Data is my currency. I need to support initiatives, business cases - any tools that give me the insight I find incredibly useful. Then when it comes to measuring these initiatives the reporting comes in handy. SEMrush is a very solid package that delivers exactly that.

Nick Wilsdon, Product Owner, Search Vodafone Group

We can’t imagine our online promotion without SEMrush. When we approach a new customer, the first thing we look at is their brand visibility, and with the help of SEMrush we do our best to boost it.

Emanuele Arosio, Head of SEO Triboo Digitale Group

Whenever someone signs up for the affiliate program we can use the tool to have an understanding of their traffic mix. Are they strong at SEO, how much traffic do they have, are they buying that traffic, what is their potential to actually generate transactions.

Leonardo Saroni, Senior Product Owner

Dive Into Competitive Traffic Overview Free!

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